Monday, January 28, 2008

City of Berkeley Stadium Lawsuit

Berkely City Manager Statement: City of Berkeley Stadium Lawsuit

The City of Berkeley has filed a lawsuit against the University of California, Berkeley in order to prevent the school from building a new sport facility and a parking garage next to Memorial Stadium. The city cites major public health reasons as the reason for the lawsuit. The city contents that the stadium is built on top of a major fault line and is already in need of major repair; thus the stadium’s and the new facilities location pose a great earthquake threat to more than 60, 000 fans who attend the games every week. The city is concerned that the University has not taken sufficient planning to retrofit the stadium and instead has opted to build several projects that would be next to and partially underneath the stadium. New facilities around the fault line would mean more events and attendees at an earthquake-prone site, which is difficult to evacuate. Furthermore, the University’s plans would pose a threat to the area’s historic landscape and would lead to increased traffic, which the site will not be able to sustain.

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