Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Solutions to Homelessness

Patrick Kennedy mentioned that Santa Cruz was a good example of how a city can address homelessness. I found a final report by Homeless Issues Task Force that was formed to study homelessness and develop recommendations for the Santa Cruz city council to ameliorate homelessness.

The Report listed 27 recommendations, which are:

  1. Expanded armory use: The city should make the National Guard armory in the city available as a shelter year-round
  2. Family shelter: The city should commit to with other local government jurisdictions and non-profit organizations to create a shelter for homeless families
  3. Use of vacant bay of homeless services center: The city should use this bay for a 15-20 bed shelter
  4. Safe sleeping zones in city parks: Allow the parks director to designate a safe sleeping zone in city parks when there is a shelter emergency
  5. Medical emergency motel voucher program for homeless persons: This program provides a safety net for homeless people who are ill, injured, or contagious and cannot stay at local emergency shelters that require residents to leave during the daytime hours.
  6. Safe, legal vehicular sleeping: The city should support programs to expand safe, legal vehicular sleeping for the homeless
  7. Letter on camping citations: Distribute consideration letters to homeless defendants who are not aware of their rights and responsibilities regarding camping citations
  8. Conflict resolution downtown: Institute a downtown focus program for conflict resolution
  9. Legal assistance for homeless and very poor defendants: The city should support development of a pro bono legal program
  10. New police approach to drug overdose reports: Take steps to develop a policy with respect to the heroin overdose epidemic that will allow the city and police to deal with this problem in specific ways, including not arresting those that call to report such problems
  11. Drug education in jail: Make drug education available in jail so that those that leave jail know that they are more vulnerable to overdoses when they leave
  12. Hate crimes protected class designation: A systematic approach is needed for assaults that are targeted crimes
  13. Youth education and violence prevention: Youth of the middle school age should receive anti-violence and anti-hate crime education
  14. Self-help violence prevention: Support programs for victimization-reduction of the homeless, such as self defense education for women
  15. Relations between police and homeless community: Develop a working program of police and homeless representatives to share information about needs, problems, and resources
  16. Police training on homeless issues: develop a course for police officers related to homeless issues
  17. Community education and outreach: Create documents to be distributed to the community providing basic information about homelessness and how the community can get involved
  18. Jurisdictional funding shares: Develop an approach to fairly share the costs for providing homeless services
  19. Social services program funding: The city should devote increases in human services funding to homeless services agencies
  20. City staff coordination of homeless services: The city should hire staff to coordinate the city’s work on homeless services
  21. County-wide coordination of services: Work with other jurisdictions to comprehensively coordinate homeless services in Santa Cruz county
  22. Working groups: Direct the City Manager to form groups to develop detailed implementation plans for these recommendations
  23. Resource guide: Create a consumer-friendly resource card of homeless services
  24. Ombudsperson: Create an autonomous ombudsperson position to serve the homeless community of Santa Cruz
  25. Homeless garden project: Fund additional positions for homeless persons at the garden project to provide more homeless persons with employment opportunities
  26. Employment and training programs: Develop a range of employment and training programs targeted at homeless persons
  27. Safe haven shelter: Create a safe haven shelter for homeless adults that are at-risk on the streets due to mental health and/or and drug/alcohol problems
  28. Alcohol and drug treatment services: support a significant increase in capacity for treatment and recovery services for the homeless

Though some of these recommendations are specific to Santa Cruz, many of the recommendations could be used or adapted to better address the homeless situation in Berkeley.

Final Report from the Homeless Issues Task Force, to the Santa Cruz City Council of April 11, 2000, available at http://www.cabinc.org/Research/HTFFinalReport.htm

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